Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin Create Maps Out of Food

Photographer Henry Hargreaves and artist Caitlin Levin have been working together for about decade. Their shared love for “food, photography, travel, and art” has found an outlet in a series of maps that they have illustrated with food.

While we know that tomatoes originally came from the Andes in South America, Italy has become the tomato king.

Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin Create Food Maps: Italy Made Out of Tomatoes

These maps show how food has travelled the globe– transforming and becoming a part of the cultural identity of that place.

Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin Create Food Maps: South America

…who makes a Brazilian caipirinha without a fistful of limes?

While we couldn’t find a video of the artists at work, creating these maps, we found one of a different group, doing exactly the same thing. This is Do Not Disturb‘s behind the scene video of the creation of a United Kingdom food map.

The video gives insight into how Hargreaves and Levin may have approached their food map. First, projecting a map onto their canvas, tracing it. And then painstakingly preparing the food and laying them out. Taking the photograph while the food is still fresh. And then finally adding text to the composition. Sarit Melmed, graphic designer and owner of Empress Branding, had done the typography for the food maps.

To see Hargreaves and Levin’s full food map gallery, visit their website here.

For those who prefer their food porn with more fetish, Hargreaves and Levin’s series, “Deep Fried Gadgets” will be more up your alley. It’s a cathartic experience for luddites like me and it is exactly what it sounds like.




Henry Hargreaves and Caitlin Levin: Deep Fried Gadgets: Gameboy

Tate Srey - Tate Srey is an artist and an engineer. He is a nerd who likes to lift heavy things and put them back down again. He loves to run and swim and build things. He makes his own wine and beer, and dies a little inside when he has to pay more than $5 for draft. He has a natural affection for people with a teacher's spirit-- those who will share their knowledge and experience with others. Some men just want to watch the world learn. Tate can be found on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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