
How to create a 3D model of the surface of Mars using photogrammetry software and NASA Curiosity Rover navcam data

Let’s go to Mars! This video shows how I used Photoscan to generate a 3D model from stereoscopic images taken on Mars by the NASA Curiosity Rover.

Why Has NASA Not Gone to Mars with Humans Already?

Why Has NASA Not Gone to Mars with Humans Already?

  1. The tech to keep people alive BOTH ways is still being developed. Some problems are similar to ones we’ve solved when sending folks to the Moon but MANY are different.
  2. It’s crazy expensive to solve these problems and it takes time. You can’t throw twice as much money at some of these problems and expect them to be solved in half the time.
Martian Electric Spaceship Circa 1962

Martian Electric Spaceship Circa 1962

“This artist’s concept from 1962 show a three hundred-sixty ton spaceship, powered by a forty-megawatt nuclear-electric power plant, transporting a three-man crew to Mars. As envisioned by Marshall Space Flight Center engineers, a five-ship convoy would make the round trip journey in about five hundred days.”

Mars Rover Curiosity Hot Wheels Toy

Mars Rover Curiosity Hot Wheels Toy

Curiosity is a car-sized rover that recently landed on Mars thanks to NASA. In celebration of such a cool machine, Mattel is now producing a Mars Rover Curiosity Hot Wheels toy.

Elon Musk’s Mission to Mars

Visionary Elon Musk enjoys a question and answer session with Wired’s Chris Anderson.

Mars Curiosity Descent – Ultra HD 30fps Smooth

On August 6th we landed Curiosity on the planet Mars. The footage that came from that descent was amazing, but left me wanting more. I wanted higher res, smooth and a decent framerate. I wanted to feel like I was making that landing.

So did Bard Canning. Apparently so much so, that he re-constructed the descent video…

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover – LEGO MINDSTORMS Edition

We were so smitten by the LEGO Curiosity Rover we previously wrote about that we made a tribute video.

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