Microsoft IllumiRoom Demo

We’ve caught videos of illumiroom surfacing before but now we’re getting a bit more details about the capabilities and it is definitely exciting because of what it may mean for living room entertainment.

“Peripheral projected illusions can change the appearance of the room, induce apparent motion, extend the field of view, and enable entirely new physical gaming experiences. Our system is entirely self-calibrating and is designed to work in any room. We present a detailed exploration of the design space of peripheral projected illusions and we demonstrate ways to trigger and drive such illusions from gaming content.”

TheVerge has more info and here’s the Microsoft Research Illumiroom project page and the Microsoft Research Department white paper (PDF)

Matt Scott is an experienced gamer, zombie survivalist, and lover of all things robot. He firmly believes that games are one of the ultimate ways to bring people together to learn, teach, and grow. You can follow him on Twitter

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