Mars Curiosity Descent – Ultra HD 30fps Smooth

On August 6th we landed Curiosity on the planet Mars. The footage that came from that descent was amazing, but left me wanting more. I wanted higher res, smooth and a decent framerate. I wanted to feel like I was making that landing.

So did Bard Canning. Apparently so much so, that he re-constructed the descent video.

Working frame-by-frame, it took me four weeks to produce this video. It was a painstaking labor of love. You can support my efforts with a donation or a message of support.

Ultra-resolution, smooth-motion, detail-enhanced, color-corrected, interpolated from the original 4 frames per second to 30 frames per second. This video plays real-time at the speed that Curiosity descended to the surface of Mars on August 6, 2012.

Curiosity Descends

Curiosity Descends

This video really hit it home for me. We landed on Mars. AGAIN. I thought it was cool and all when Curiosity landed, but for some reason this video made me excited about it.

Posted by Matt Scott

Matt Scott is an experienced gamer, zombie survivalist, and lover of all things robot. He firmly believes that games are one of the ultimate ways to bring people together to learn, teach, and grow. You can follow him on Twitter

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