KUNG FURY Will Be An 80s Action Movie by Laser Unicorns featuring Robots, Dinosaurs, and Vikings

We recently chatted with Starcadian about his album being the soundtrack to the best 80s movie never made. While Kung Fury isn’t Starcadian’s doing its style is influenced by a similar aesthetic based on 1980s action flicks.

KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.

Kung Fury Joanna Häggblom as "Viking Babe"

During an unfortunate series of events a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time; Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time, to Nazi Germany, in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.

We’re in.

David Sandberg as “Kung Fury”
Joanna Häggblom as “Viking Babe”
Leopold Nilsson as “Hacker Man”
Andreas Cahling as “Thor”
and Per-Henrik Arvidius as “Chief”

Perhaps you’d like to help back their project on Kickstarter. The film’s developers have already reached their goal so this movie is definitely a go but maybe you’d like to help the Swedish based film crew and score some of the pledge rewards.

David Sandberg as "Kung Fury"

Matt Scott is an experienced gamer, zombie survivalist, and lover of all things robot. He firmly believes that games are one of the ultimate ways to bring people together to learn, teach, and grow. You can follow him on Twitter

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