
Using VR To Cope With the Death of a Loved One

This use of VR is powerful, alarming, and hopeful. Our reality is about to be fundamentally altered by technologies that are arriving. We are neither prepared for the magnitude of the shift in consciousness nor can we fathom its ultimate final state. I hope we have the fortitude to know better than our predecessors and use these tools to find peace for one another.

Shareable Parts of Reality

Shareable Parts of Reality

Will the next big content format contain bits of reality? USDZ could be a hint of things to come. Imagine programmable self-contained bits of volumetric information that can be shared with others. The process will be simple:
1. Scan a real clock
2. Program the digital version of the clock
3. Share the clock and it’s code as a single file so that others can instantiate it in their reality.

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