
I never stopped fighting to make it home.

I never stopped fighting to make it home.

No matter what happens,
tell the world,
tell my family,
that I never stopped fighting to make it home.

Here’s the new trailer for The Martian.

2013 ‘Stalingrad’ Visual Effects Reel By Main Road|Post Is Awe Inspiring

Russian visual effects production studio Main Road|Post shares how war epic Stalingrad was created with this stunning display of movie magic.

Russian War Epic Stalingrad Set for Fall 2013 Release

Russian War Epic Stalingrad Set for Fall 2013 Release

With approximately 1,150,000 humans killed, missing, or wounded, the Battle of Stalingrad stands as one of the bloodiest battles in history. The battle was fought between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943 during World War II.  Due to the decimation of German Wehrmacht forces, the Battle of Stalingrad is considered a pivotal fight in the defeat of Nazi Germany. Director Fedor Bondarchuk has attempted to create a love story amidst the carnage of the battle in his film Stalingrad.

Reserve a Spot for the DC Drive-In at Union Market

Reserve a Spot for the DC Drive-In at Union Market

DCist has a writeup on the newly announced DC summer drive-in movies at Union Market. Looks like there are plans to use the large white wall of the market to show movies! I’ll be walking over to catch these films. If you intend to drive there are extra spots available even though car spot reservations are all booked up.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer

It’s almost been a decade since the 2003 release of Return of the King, the 3rd movie in the Lord of the Ring trilogy. I The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is slated to be released this December. It’ll be the first of three films that make the prequel to The Lord of the Rings. I’ve been a fan of the books for many years, and even read some of Tolkien’s denser fare, like the Simarillion, which recounts the creation myth for Middle Earth…

Elysium – A film by Neill Blomkamp

Elysium – A film by Neill Blomkamp

Ever since the Halo live action shorts that Neill did in 2007 he’s been on the radar. Then two years later he exploded onto the mainstream circuit with District 9…

Oz The Great And Powerful Trailer

A few days ago my cohort Dennis Bonilla posted the teaser poster for the movie and now the trailer has officially hit. It looks like it could feel magical but…

Happy Birthday David, Prometheus Viral Video

This video featuring Michael Fassbender as Weyland Industries android David is part of the viral campaign for the movie Prometheus.

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