
Felix Baumgartner Hi Res Tablet and Desktop Wallpaper

Felix Baumgartner Hi Res Tablet and Desktop Wallpaper

We have made the high resolution of “Returning from the Edge of Space” available. It can be downloaded here…

Returning from the Edge of Space, A Tribute to Felix Baumgartner

Returning from the Edge of Space, A Tribute to Felix Baumgartner

Felix Baumgartner is slated to do a 120,000 foot skydive from the edge of space on Sunday, through the Red Bull Stratos Program. An attempt on Tuesday was cancelled due to weather. It’s an inspiring feat– defying gravity to get to the edge of space and shirking common sense by jumping out of a perfectly good… balloon.

While Baumgartner is at it, he will be breaking the sound barrier, going mach speed– like Chuck Yeager without the X-1. Incidentally, Yeager broke the sound barrier October 14, 1947. Baumgartner may potentially be doing it again sans aircraft October 14, 2012. As Matt Scott puts it: “To infinity and beyond… and back again…”

Heroes of Geek Myth: Edgar Allan Poe Illustration

Heroes of Geek Myth: Edgar Allan Poe Illustration

As a creative person, I don’t just doodle, I sketch. These sketches are relaxing for me. I did a quick sketch of Edgar Allan Poe, the master of mood and…

NASA Releases their Open Government Plan Version 2.0

NASA Releases their Open Government Plan Version 2.0

The team stateoftrey and I work on helped develop graphics and messaging for the updated NASA Open Government Plan. The Open Government Plan was created by the agency to meet a…

Randall Whiteis

I recently discovered illustrator Randall Whiteis while waxing nostalgic about the anime Ghost in the Shell. Here are a few of his wonderful pieces. Randall’s blog, and more of his…

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