
A Trailer tells us who would win in a fight between Batman vs The Terminator

A Trailer tells us who would win in a fight between Batman vs The Terminator

Hypothetically speaking, who would win in a fight, Batman or The Terminator?

NASA and Science Fiction Panel at East Tennessee State University

NASA and Science Fiction Panel at East Tennessee State University

I was invited to speak on the closing panel about NASA and science fiction at East Tennessee State University’s (ETSU) first ETSUcon. The talk was held on April 27, 2013 in Johnson City, Tennessee. I jumped at the opportunity to unofficially talk about the cool projects I’ve been working on the past few years.

ETSUcon A First Timer’s First Look

ETSUcon A First Timer’s First Look

Recently, I had the chance to attend the debut of East Tennessee State University’s first anime conventionĀ ETSUcon. I am an avid video game player and I know much of geek…

Randall Whiteis

I recently discovered illustrator Randall Whiteis while waxing nostalgic about the anime Ghost in the Shell. Here are a few of his wonderful pieces. Randall’s blog, and more of his…

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