A Trailer tells us who would win in a fight between Batman vs The Terminator

Hypothetically speaking, who would win in a fight, Batman or The Terminator? Here’s what we’re thinking:

  1. Batman can beat Predator
  2. Batman can go toe-to-toe-with Superman
  3. Batman and Superman can defeat Alien and Predator
  4. The Terminator easily kills Predator and conquers Alien

The Terminator is a relentless killing machine, it has the capabilities of a murderous robot from the future. Let’s assume this fictional fight occurs in the future and Batman is old, let’s also assume Batman has the bad-ass suit he used to defeat Predator:

Batman versus Predator Batsuit

Let’s also assume Batman has the ability to build the suit he used to knock Superman to his knees in The Dark Knight Returns:

Batman Vs Superman Batsuit in The Dark Knight Returns

Still wondering who might win in a fight between the Dark Knight and a T-800? Mitchell Hammond has created a short three-minute trailer that depicts the answer:

The trailer shows an aged Batman in the year 2029 taking the fight directly to the machines. Animated in the teaser is a post-apocalyptic world full of ash reminiscent of the future depicted in the original The Terminator movie. There is no dialog, the soundtrack is a version of the The Terminator theme originally composed by Brad Fiedel played by Noir Deco. A quick note on the YouTube description says:

Batman vs The Terminator is [an] animation short by Mitchell Hammond which will be out later this year and will be scored by Noir Deco.

Batman vs The Terminator

What do you think, did Mitchell Hammond get it right?

** Update added the full video with improved audio. **

The Batman comic and images are a trademark of DC Comics.

Matt Scott is an experienced gamer, zombie survivalist, and lover of all things robot. He firmly believes that games are one of the ultimate ways to bring people together to learn, teach, and grow. You can follow him on Twitter

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